If anything, people are moving beings. We all have a story to tell about migrations in our families – if not our own. This is an important thread in the string of identities which we call self, and which may not be the same tomorrow as it is today.

Photo: Svetozar Busić
The exhibition Up YU Go! Stories of Identities on the Line highlights the stories of immigrants from Yugoslavian republics to Slovenia and their descendants in the period after World War II. It offers an intimate view into the complex personal stories of three generations, their relationships and family dynamics, their transition into a new home, and the impact of Slovenia’s independence and wars in Yugoslavia on their lives. It illuminates the multiplicity of possible identities that interact and shape the reality of every individual. In so doing, the processes of belonging, self-discovery, remembrance, exclusion, stigmatisation, othering – and continuous shifting among them – are humanised.
The message of the exhibition is beautifully summed up by the co-creator of the exhibition, Dragica Dobrila:
“Labels are only good for rakija!”
Take a walk through the Up YU GO! virtual exhibition >

Authors: Nina Mršnik and Ivana Blaž – Kobeiagi Kilims.
Exhibition authors: Corinne Brenko, Urška Purg
Co-creators of the exhibition: Sandra Antić, Dragan Antonijević, Esad Babačić, Amra Bajrektarević, Alenka Česa, Sead (Brko) Česa, Rusmir Delić, Ana Denić, Boris Denić, Luka Denić, Dragica Dobrila, Aleksandra Elenovski, Ana Aleksandra Gačić, Adil Gashi, Slavica Isovska, Irena Joveva, Lidija Jularić, Antun Katalenić, Ines Kavgić, Matevž Krivic, Dragana Marošević, Robert Pešut – Magnifico, Saša Petrović – Challe Salle, Leonardo Salomon, Selma Skenderović, Patricija Tratar, dr. Borut Trpin, Ljubiša in Sandra Vračević ter vsi ostali pričevalci, ki so želeli ostati anonimni.
Project manager for Slovenia between September 2019 and January 2021 and the initial exhibition plan: Dr Kaja Širok.
Corporate and museum design: Tomaž Perme
Catalogue design: Bavčar Urška, Kolektiv DVA
Language editing and translations: Lučka Tancer, Andreja Šalamon Verbič
Scanning and photo editing: Aleksandra Frantar, Sašo Kovačič, Sarah Poženel
Video: Miha Likar
Multimedia solutions: Peter Bezek
Conservation and objects’ preparation: Marko Krivec
Fototeka photographic material selection: Andreja Zupanec Bajželj
Technical support: Matej Ogrin
Lightning design: Marjan Visković
Print: Epigram, Pegaz
Photographs: Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije, Borut Krajnc, Paul Lowe, Muzej novejše zgodovine Celje, Posavski muzej Brežice
Special thanks to: Vedrana Durašin, Tina Fortič Jakopič, dr. Aljoša Harlamov, Danica Ikovic, Tina Ivnik, Darja Jan, dr. Damir Josipovič, dr. Ana Kladnik, Domen Kaučič, Nerina Kocjančič, Mihaela Kovačič, dr. Janez Malačič, dr. Martina Malešič, dr. Silva Mežnarić, Tina Palaić, dr. Jelka Piškurič, Jaka Strnad, Andrej Šter, Žiga Valetič, dr. Urša Valič, dr. Mitja Velikonja, Katarina Vučko, Zavod Apis.

The exhibition has been made possible by Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.