On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the plebiscite for an independent and sovereign state of Slovenia
On Monday, 24 December 1990, the front page of the newspaper Delo featured a large headline “Slovenes have voted for an independent state”. The data on the high turnout and the high percentage of votes FOR an independent and sovereign state of the Republic of Slovenia aroused optimism among the citizens about the further political development of Slovenia.
The idea of a plebiscite appeared several times in 1990; Demos had it in its program at the beginning of the year and in October of the same year it was unsuccessfully proposed at a parliamentary session by the opposition Socialist Party of Slovenia. Due to complications with the adoption of the Constitution the idea became relevant again on 9 and 10 November 1990, at the seminar of Demos deputies in Poljče. The proposal for a plebiscite, which was also composed by the main writers of the constitution from the Demos ranks, Peter Jambrek, Tone Jerovšek and Tine Hribar, did not at first meet with approval. The majority wanted independence to be a political decision made at the top of the ruling coalition. The Slovenian Public has been informed about the decision for a plebiscite in November 1990. On the initiative of Jože Pučnik, the president of Demos, the presidents of all parliamentary parties met and agreed on the most important issues for the plebiscite: the date and the plebiscite question.
It was only necessary to determine how large a majority of voters must answer positively to the plebiscite question, which read “Should the Republic of Slovenia become an independent and sovereign state?” After lengthy negotiations, an opposition variant was adopted that the plebiscite would be successful if a majority of all eligible voters voted FOR.
At a joint session of all three chambers on 6 December 1990, the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Plebiscite on the Independence and Sovereignty of the Republic of Slovenia Act. An Announcement to citizens of the Republic of Slovenia to all voters in the Republic of Slovenia was adopted, a Declaration of Good Intentions was signed and a Declaration on Respect for the Fundamental Conventions of the Council of Europe was adopted, together with an Agreement among political parties and parliamentary groups on a joint approach in the plebiscite on the independence and sovereignty of the state of RS.
The polls opened on Sunday, 23 December 1990, at 7 a.m. Voter participation was 93.2 percent, and 88.5 percent (1,289,369) voted for independence.
The results of the plebiscite were announced at a formal session on 26 December 1990 by the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr France Bučar. President of the Presidency of the Republic of Slovenia Milan Kučan presented the main tasks for implementing the plebiscite decision.
“Ski Slovenia” was made in the Elan factory, and was premiered at the national championships at the large ski jump in Planica, 23.12.1990. Ski jumpers in Planica on plebiscite day with skis with Slovenia written on them.