Identity on the Line (I-ON)

Identity on the Line (I-ON)

National Museum of Contemporary History is a part of an international project Identity on the Line, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

Identity on the Line (I-ON) is a large-scale cooperation project between six cultural history museums and one university, working together to explore the long-term consequences of different migration processes, forced or voluntary, which took place in Europe over the last 100 years.

The project is a broad cooperation between museums in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Lithuania, Slovenia and Croatia. Starting with similar approaches and using the same methods, each museum will work on one important migration process in its country by collecting and facilitating sensitive narratives in local exhibitions and uncovering challenges which have not been addressed before. The main findings and common features will be summarized and made available as a joint travel exhibition within Europe and a digital package for education.

Stay up to date with our work and progress by visiting project’s webpage, and by signing up to a newsletter. You can follow us also on I-ON Facebook page.

I-ON project is the special EMA Prize winner of 2022.


News about events and projects of the National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia.