Ballot box from the first democratic elections in Slovenia, 1990

The cardboard ballot box has the colored coat of arms of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia printed on the front. It has an opening at the top through which Slovenian citizens of legal age cast their ballots in the first post-war democratic elections in early April 1990.
They still elected representatives for the old authorities. They chose both – the members of the newly established parties and the representatives of the socio-political organizations, the former holders of power. Slovenia was once again learning about multi-partyism, intense election campaigns, and impatient anticipation of the results.

Collection: Collection of democratization and independence
Material: cardboard

Volilna skrinjica iz kartona ima na sprednji strani natisnjen barvni grb Socialistične republike Slovenije. Na vrhu ima odprtino, skozi katero so polnoletni slovenski državljani v začetku aprila 1990 oddajali volilne listke na prvih povojnih demokratičnih volitvah.


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