Julij 2022

Leaflet Portorož

The mostly black-and-white leaflet with charming color illustrations invites to Portorož, Slovenia at the turn of the 1960s to 1970s. The map on the back of the leaflet places the Palace Hotel Portorož in the center, so that all routes from the cities of Western Europe from London, Berlin and Vienna lead to the tourist seaside pearl. The photographs promes walks along the promenade, plenty of sea fun, degustating good food as well as spacious hotel rooms. Colorful illustrations add a touch of fashion to the flyer with the image of a lady with wide-brimmed straw hat. Portož was accesible by regular bus lines, as well as by train (at that time the nearest railway station was in Divača, 68 km away) and by ship via Trieste.

Letak s fotografijami in besedilom.


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