Depots of three state museums

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Visiting hours: 10.00–17.00
Kolodvorska cesta 51, Pivka
01 300 96 10

Depots of three state museums

Within the Park of Military History in Pivka, we have depots together with the Technical Museum of Slovenia and the National Museum of Slovenia, where we keep many unique objects, some of which visitors can also see. There is an extensive collection of interesting objects from the historical, technical and art-historical heritage of the Slovenian nation. With an area of ​​3.000 m2, this is the largest museum depot complex in Slovenia. The facility combines two versions of depots: closed and open.

The open Depo displays an extensive collection of interesting objects from the field of historical, technical and art-historical heritage of the Slovenian nation. There are statues on display in the outdoor depot.

Opening Hours

July and AugustEvery day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., except Mondays.
May, September, OctoberSaturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
November, until the third Sunday in DecemberSaturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
January, February, March, April and the last week of December.Closed
Guided tour in Slovenianat 11 a.m.
Guided tour in Englishat 2 p.m.

It is not possible to enter the Depot during a guided tour.


Vstopnina za ogled Depoja2 EUR per person

The depots are in The Park of Military History in Pivka and there is no free access to them. For entry, you must also buy a ticket for The Park of Military History. This does not apply to closed groups, which are expected at the entrance.

The entrance fee for visiting the Depot is €2 per person. You can visit the open-air depot at any time without extra charge, you have to pay an entrance fee for The Park of Military History.


Z Depoji upravlja Muzej novejše in sodobne zgodovine Slovenije
Park vojaške zgodovine,
Kolodvorska cesta 51, Pivka


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